Twice per month, Diamond Mountain Retreat Center welcomes current and returning guests to the Purification Puja: Sojong event.
Every two weeks, Diamond Mountain Retreat Center hosts Purification Puja. This free event is a beautiful opportunity for guests to review their thoughts, actions and words. True to its ‘purification’ name, the event encourages guests to purge their regrets and negative thoughts. The class is a regular opportunity for guests to regret the bad and rejoice in the good. DMRC’s aim of Purification Puja: Sojong is to help guests become the kind of people they wish to be.
Every Purification Puja: Sojong ceremony is followed by conversation and snacks. As always, the ceremony is completely free of charge. There is no limit to how many times a guest may attend the event. So feel free to become part of the family that regularly returns for the ceremony twice each month!